Code of conduct
Our goal is to be inclusive to the largest range of contributors and audiences, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible and to promote a diverse and positive community. As organisers, we will work hard to provide a friendly, safe, accessible and welcoming environment for all. We invite all those who participate in the conference, and the community surrounding it, to help us create safe and positive experiences for everyone.
If you need special accommodation during the conference presentations, performances or workshops, please send an email to
Alexandra Cárdenas at in
order to prepare it in advance.
As participants, please be mindful of the effect your words and actions may have on others and that your boundaries may
not be the same as the boundaries of others. If you act or speak in a way that someone finds inappropriate, it’s inappropriate
to that time, place and/or person. If somebody tells you that you are making them uncomfortable, please stop doing so.
Harassment, and other exclusionary behaviour are not welcome at the conference. Harassment includes:
This applies to all events and venues of the conference whether they be talks, performances, late-night events, at the bar, or through Twitter or other online media.
This Code of Conduct exists to help us create a positive environment at the conference for all participants.
If you have any concerns please find a member of the organising team (they'll be clearly identifiable during the conference)
and let them know, or otherwise drop us an email at
We welcome comments on and suggested edits to the above.
These values are inspired by the following works: