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Grimberg's music is based on loops of acoustic drum and percussion, synthesizer and guitar lines. He extracts these loops from old stuff of the 70s and sometimes he creates them on his own. This enriches his tunes with a patina, a warm atmosphere of psychedelic scapes between ambient and progressive rock. Combined with choppy structures of contemporary pattern based music this turns out a unique hybrid of a fluent groove based sound which could be named "Algorithmic Krautrock".
The abstract is displayed here for proof-reading and will only be part of the published proceedings, not of the final version of this web catalogue.
Grimberg's music is based on loops of acoustic drum and percussion, synthesizer and guitar lines. He extracts these loops from old stuff of the 70s and sometimes he creates them on his own. This enriches his tunes with a patina, a warm atmosphere of psychedelic scapes between ambient and progressive rock. Combined with choppy structures of contemporary pattern based music this turns out a unique hybrid of a fluent groove based sound which could be named "Algorithmic Krautrock". Grimberg’s one-pattern tracks are characterized by steady, motoric beat-influenced rhythms in a tempo range of 125-145 BPM. He works with prewritten code in Tidal Cycles, which he adjusts and rewrites during his performance. You could say, he performs like a code-DJ. Grimberg uses a hardware midi /cc controller as additional external gear.