Citlali Hernández Sánchez (turbulente), Lina Bautista Rodríguez, Roger Pibernat Trias
Was performed at:
An experimental project where three performers share a common code expressed in different but interdependent languages: text, gesture, image, voice and sound recordings. Lina will generate music and sound textures using Tidal Cycles, Citlali will be recording voice live loops using body gestures with motion sensors, and Roger will be generating visuals with his own Animatron tool dedicated to live coded animation. «CRash Landing» represents a metaphor between a plane flight and a live coding performance, starting with a from scratch and finishing with a crash.
The abstract is displayed here for proof-reading and will only be part of the published proceedings, not of the final version of this web catalogue.
An experimental project where three performers share a common code expressed in different but interdependent languages: text, gesture, image, voice and sound recordings. Lina will generate music and sound textures using TidalCycles, Citlali will be recording voice live loops using body gestures with motion sensors, and Roger will be generating visuals with his own Animatron tool, dedicated to live coded animation.
As the performance progresses, the performers send and receive OSC messages between them, affecting its other actions and codes. For example, as usual, music affects how Citlali dances, but in this performance, her gestures change the sound that she’s dancing to, she also affects the animation and her gesture code will also make voice loops.
«CRash Landing» represents a metaphor between a plane flight and a live coding performance, with a 'from scratch' beginning and crashing at the end: The performance starts with reading aloud the safety card instructions of a commercial flight that is about to take off and music starts playing. Citlali starts to make a body movements sequence, visibly used to record and play audio loops. Once this process is established, Roger and Lina create new sound layers by modifying the audio loops with code. The visuals (which are at the same time animated videoclips of Citlali dancing) are controlled by Roger. Lina and Citlali modify the visuals without Roger’s intervention. Citlali and Roger control the audio. Everyone influences and takes control of each other's codes. This crazy feedback party goes on until our plane and the performance crashes. As a performer, you may know this is what live coding feels like.
«CRash Landing» was presented in beta version during on-the-fly.collect(_) event. The performance for the ICLC is therefore, intended to be an extended version, incorporating Lina’s work and the Animatron tool of Roger.